Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Up Until Recently

Good Bye

She had a perfect friend. He was so sweet and kind
A friend as great as this, another, could she ever find?
He taught her how to love and care
He was the answer to her every prayer
When she needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there.
When she needed someone to rely on, he was there.
If she need a hand, he’d do all he could
And if he said he’d help her out, he truly would!

But it was that day that she got the call
That he was mountain climbing and had a terrible fall.
She held his hand ever so tight
as she kissed his forehead softly that night.
He started to say, “Thanks so much, please don’t cry.
I’ll see you again…Good bye!”
He lay there as she sadly watched him die,
Whipped her eyes, and said “Good Bye.”

Happiness isn’t having what you want; it’s wanting what you have.”

My most memorable of all the quotes Dad told me. So, if that quote holds any truth, is “the man who has everything” always happy? It sure is an interesting point to ponder as a child learning about life, learning about happiness.
When my father was young, his father passed away, leaving his mother (a mom of six) a poor widow with the only sense of security to be faith. My dad began working hard; trying to help anywhere he could, letting his mother know she would be safe and secure.
Dad married young, becoming “the man of the household” at the age 22. While building a beautiful stone house for his family, he slaved in the sun as a brick mason. He believed “if you want something you have to work for it.” That was when he met Dave Black. Dave had everything my dad wanted: a beautiful house, a nice little car, crisp clothes. “How can I get ‘the perfect life’?” Dave introduced Dad to sales. During my life, my father was an insurance sales man. He worked to get all the things he wanted and provide for his family.

In sales, it’s easy to get what you want. All you have to do is ‘make a plan and work it’. So, when dad wanted something that’s what he did: calculated the amount of money he needed to get the item, divided that number by the amount of sales he must make and went and sold. He did top sales, flew the world, visited Holland, Hawaii, California, etc. He drove nice cars and wore snazzy clothes. We could walk into almost anywhere and at least one person would know him by first name.
When I was young, we lived in the apartment complex. All the neighbor hood kids would come over to play so Dad built us a play house. He put training wheels on my bike, taught me how to ride it, and when he thought I was ready he took them off. He let me sit beside him in the truck when I was 5 and steer, giving me little pointers as we went along. Dad always allowed us to have a kitty (or 10). When I was nine years old my brother passed away. Living in the apartment became sad, every where one looked there was an “I miss him” moment, so Dad found an old house close to home and began to build his family a new. This house had everything: beautiful flowers all over the front yard, a swimming pool in the back yard, a trickling stream, 3 car garage, front storage shed, 4 floors, pool table, huge kitchen (exactly how mom wanted it), nooks and crannies that made walls interesting, three bedrooms, three and one half bathrooms. It was the type of house that who ever lived inside MUST be happy. As a teen, Dad got me a puppy, and paid his unrealistic bill when he had to go to the vet. Dad bought me a car, taught me how to drive it, took me for my provisional, and helped me to get the car repaired again and again and again. He gave me freedom to learn the hard way, because that’s how I learn best. When I asked for him to help my love, he gave him a car, and a place to stay. And when I told him and mom I was moving from the state, they gave me wings to fly.
I called him in December 2006 to tell him I was having a baby, a little boy to be exact. I was scared to call because I wasn’t married and I didn’t know how they would react. I told him I wanted to come home to raise our child around family. Much to my surprise, I was given what I needed. He told me congratulations and cried. They were tears of happiness I knew.
At that moment, I realized he didn’t sell insurance primarily to make money and we didn’t live in big house primarily too look good. He sold life insurance to give people a sense of safety and security when someone close to you dies. The same security he hoped to provide for his mother and my mother. We lived in a big house because that’s what he thought we needed, a beautiful house where the whole family could come together.

So here it is, 6:24 am, 38 weeks pregnant my love is beside me, my child inside, my kitty on my lap. I look around the room I call my own and I realize this is the last week I’ll live here. We move today, we start our own home, we start our new life. In all of Dad’s sixty five years of life meshed with all of my twenty one, it wasn’t the quote that was most memorable of all he taught me, it was his actions that showed me…
“Happiness isn’t having what you want, nor is it wanting what you have. Happiness is giving others what they need.”

Waking up from a nightmare @ 5:30am, frightful yet tired, I shuffle to the bathroom. Stinky breath causes me to brush my teeth and suddenly I am wide awake. I look around to find something to get into only to find, I finally caught up. I take a seat on the couch and slowly start to gaze my apartment, listening to only the “tick….tock” of the clock.
Peace, a wish I had for years, finally has come true.

Thank you for allowing us to move here!!! (…and letting us have a laundry facility… hehe) A few months ago we had a phone call that I cherish to this day….A call where you were on of my best friends. Home sick and in Peurto Rico we talked for hours, crying, laughing, understanding, and gathering new ideas. One sentence made a huge impact, “Poop or get off the pot!” After we got off the phone I told Cody I was ready for forever. We didn’t have a lot of money but we only needed $350: $100- my dress and shoes, $100- Cody’s tux, $16 Willi D’s suit, $95 for proof and a friendly photographer for memories-priceless.

So we got dressed up, signed some papers, ate some cake, drank some wine and moved home to start a family. Thank you for coming to witness our vows. Thank you for letting us live with you for a few months. Thank you for accommodating a room for Willi D. Thank you for the great Idea of marriage and teaching that its not about how much the ring cost, or how big the ball room you danced in, rather how much he loves you and the size of his heart.

Our son knows where to sit his binky, how to place his cup up right, how to follow directions, help clean up, loves reading books, and to make sure it’s child proof all because of you. Though you have a pretty busy schedule, you ALWAYS try to make time for us. Thank you for watching Willi and teaching him so much. Thank you for always being able to pick Cody or I up, if something happens to our car. Thank you for usually answering your phone. Thank you for being a wonderful Grand Mommy!!

One day she will not be there.
That day she won’t make soup
But I won’t care
I will know she’s in a special place,
A heaven with lots of flowers and lace.
Nobody will be able to deny
They’ll dare not lie that she when there
When this special lady goes on, I’ll remember the days when I ran through her lawn, when I climbed her tree, yet I was only three. I’ll always remember he big comfy couch, the way she never acted like a grouch. When this special lady passes by, I won’t ever forget her loving way, no, not a way. I will always remember her in my heart and love her like I did for the very start. I’ll remember the way she made me feel happy, the way she cared for my pappy. She had so many of us to love but she managed like a turtle dove. None of us will forget her chicken corn, I remember the great tasted since the day I was born. The day I must read this I will probably cry, but I’m sure you can name many reasons why. Well I must go by saying I lov her more than all these words could ever say, and I’ll remember her everyday. The reason why I took you all down memory lane, is because I wanted to say “I love you” to Grandma Jane!

November 8, 1999

A Friend

I knew I loved you; at least that’s what I thought.
When we were together we usually smiled and laughed; we never fought.
You were closers than a brother; you were my best friend, but you lied to me,
You told me it would never end!
Your love was like a beautiful spring day, followed by lots of rain,
For when your love walked out on me, I was filled with lots of pain
You were always there when I needed a shoulder to cry on
But now that you’re gone all I have is a bed to die on

Well now that I have a broken heart
And now that we’re so far apart
All that I can hope and pray
Is that you’ll still be my best friend and that one thing will
Never go away!



When we were small, nothing mattered, nothing at all. Sometimes were fun, like running through sprinklers in the sun. Others were sad, like getting in fights with my dad. Even through good and bad, I’m sure were both really glad. I’m glad for the meaning of the word best friend. Glad that it’ll last up till the end. Some friends are silver and some are gold but were all the colors until we’re really old. I’ll never let our love die and I hope you won’t neither. Oh, and one more thing: I’ll never forget this either. You’ve been the bestest friend anyone could ever get. I knew god meant this to be when we first met.


You were there when no one else cared
When everyone lied to me; when true feelings they never shared
You were there when my skies were grey
When even though the sun shined, no one came out to play
You were there when my biggest fears got bigger
When everyone else was drinking lots of liquor
You were there thru every situation
Thanks for being my best friend and helping me get to this destination

So here I sit, in the corner of the round room. That would be a little weird to really have a round room w/ a corner. One way this could become would be to close off part of a room w/ a circular Couch. O well, we need to get some type of garland of lights for in the “walkway”. The small area would widen greatly. What would be completely awesome would be small mirrors with different shapes attached securely to the ceiling!! Then string lights around it. Possibly paint the bulbs with color that match the area. (green, copper, tan) They need to be in a garland of some sort, possibly thick ivy starting in a ½ pot on the wall directly under the picture. Ivy will grow up around the picture, growing to the ceiling and separating across the ceiling creeping into the living room. Sounds emaculate!

Wow, I visited work today and it kind-of made me not want to go back. It also made me miss Johnnie. She is so sweet and needs not be in the midst of that place. It seems like Chris is really stressing her job. I wonder if it has something to do with her new guy?? Wow drama, drama!

The baby-William Diablo- is beautiful. His father is the love of my life. I haven’t really sat down to write in a while. To busy living in the moment!!! Don’t worry about remembering all your past, nor about what’s in store for the future; live in the moment!

*Am I Dying Slowly?*

I feel like a failure as I light this flame.
The surrounding world is so lame
I’ve learned to love. I comes naturally to cry
Tears are shed as they get high.

He’s the reason I’m alive, the reason I care
I won’t kill the smurf, I dare not share.
When everyone leaves and everyone’s gone,
I still close my eyes; see him, Shane, and Shawn
So happy they look in that fantasy world.
Flowers surround them, the colors are swirled.

He’s the reason I’m alive, the reason I care
I saw others depressed, felt the pain they bare.
The smurf might kill me, or I might just get high.
But what’s the point, I often wonder why.
Am I Dying slowing is the question for aids
But why worry about tomorrow, the am I dyeing slowly maid

He’s the reason I’m alive, the reason I care
I’ll try my best, if might not take me anywhere.
At least I’ll know every time I close my eyes
That there’s so much truths in everyone’s lies
And at least I’ll feel comfort to know that im not hurt
That my bodies not in a grave turning back into dirt
Because we’re here for a reason a purpose I suppose
A reason I’m sure of, what it is no one knows
Maybe to make thousands smile or even just one
You’ll know what it is when your life is done
We are all dying slowly is a statement we all must happily face
Because life is a treasure, not a race!

Alleys All Gone Almost

To reach out and touch an unknown, no matter what it is
People go from one place to another
Skipping the little things in life, the things that matter most:

Jumping in a pond to pretend to be a fish
Driving down a road to se the trees, not actually going anywhere
Saying hi to strangers
Picking a flower to give to someone else
Staring at the clouds as therun around the world on a warm spring day
Holding someone close to show you really care
Wrapping up a gift 20 times to see the paper tare

So, take advantage of the little things
for the fun you find in them will make you as happy as 3,000 pounds of gold

Gift of Happiness

Pick a small purple flower and pass it around
It shows love for another and how many friends we have found
Find a rock as flat as a dime
Skip it across a lake to kill some time
Never forget phatty friends
if they were phatty once they’ll be phatty again.
Imagine ice cream ‘cicles on a sandy sweaty day
It beats getting hit in the eyes by a sunray!
Feed your animals,
They will talk to you and be your friend
If you do all these things
You’ll have a good life till the end

It all slowly floats away like a cloud
Not knowing where it’s from nor where its going
The only real assurance….

………it’s on it’s way
Whether coming or going
Not knowing
Floating slowly
Fades into the sky

Life’s a bitch, then you die
Fuck the world, let’s get high
High is cool, like flying a kite
I like to think at the night
The night is when bats open their wings
Then all the demons will sing
They sing of fire and smoke
While everyone thinks its just a joke
Jokes can be scarry, even though their not true
Some can make your face turn blue
Blues an awesome dog
He kicks steve’s ass in the fog
The fog can ruin your life even make you die
When you do everyone will cry.
Crying is like really bad
It makes everyone really sad
Being sad isn’t a happy time
I really hope this poem does rhym
“Mary had a little lamb that she tied to a heater
But every time the lamb turned it burned its little peter.
Peter is cool but dick’s are much sweeter
Sweet like sugar, gum and candy
Candy makes life fine and dandy!

Life’s too short or life’s too long
It’s all just a part of how people face whats wrong
When angels fall from the heavens; landing all around
Hearing laughter and crying when they found what they found
A- form cause of the body, sould and mind
To ugly faces and problems; some people are blind
Sketching the skies, knowing true stars never fall
Makes us realize, life’s too short after all
So many to save from the flame that will cover
So much to do, lets love one another
For the amount of time on this earth that matters to you
Its how we used our time, we did what we do
A lesson’s an answer to a question unasked
Life comes and goes, just accept what you were passed

Live fast, die old
That’s the way to get the gold!
Doing what I want, living as I can,
Hiding behind the lies of the elder’s hand
Sitting alone, doing what I want to do
Realizing that’s what I want,
What I want is you!

Moving on
Walking past the houses of places I used to know
Crossing over boundaries of yards where we used to grow
Walking down the ally, looking across the street
Wishing I could say hello to the ones I used to meet
Thoughts like these are for memories that never go away
Understanding that we can’t go back to how it was that day
Realizing things are different now, realizing things will change
Allowing us to respect the new, no matter how weird or strange
These are just the memories to be remembered and to be gone
These are just the memories to be remembered as we are
Moving on

As moments slip by and time passes on, life instills events that stick in our minds forever. These moments bring experiences; times to decide who we are and who we are not. Threw these decisions we claim our values. In my life, five different moments taught me the value of giving, peace, faith, hope, and experience it self.
Wednesday night, October 11, 1995 we prayed asking the universe to keep an eye out for everyone, everyone except him. We prayed until our prayers collided with our dreams to connect with our innermost. In the morning thanks came and with thanks came smiles. It was then that he showed me his school picture. It was then that I poked fun, even though I always wished my picture looked as good as his. He laughed with me, shot me his cheesy smile, and gave me his forever good bye. He was off to school and little did we know, he was off to another life. I had was given a smile which reminds me to value hope that though times seem sad, everything will be ok.
FAITH-A sunny Sunday early in spring 1999 while getting picked up from an over night stay, mom told me my friend was in an accident. She said she’s ok; the people at church said something completely different. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” I screamed as I ran out the church door, to get to the hospital as quick as possible. On the way I begged, “Please let her be ok! Please!” When we arrived at the hospital, I saw a horror story character. Her blood was matted in her hair, crusted on her face, bruises spotted her like a dalmatian. A blank stare was given in my direction-she couldn’t remember her best friend. Today though, she remembers, she walks, she talks, she’s a wonderful mother of two, and she’s my reason to value faith.
Giving- It was cold, she was sad and had no home to live. I had twenty five dollars; not a penny more or less. She didn’t ask for it, but I know she needed it more than I. I offered it to her and when she refused I insisted ‘what goes around comes around.’ She smiled and thanked me. A few months later, it was still cold, only this time I was sad. I needed twenty-five dollars to keep our home. She was there and offered all she had, which reminded both of us to value giving!
Expierence- In 2007, I left all that I had, family, friends, furniture, and my job of three years to move to the sunshine state. While in Florida the book, Conversations with God, found me and interestingly stated “you cannot experience yourself as what you are until you’ve encountered what you are not.”(Walsch, 1995) This I found ironic due to the fact that while living in Florida, I experienced who I am not, learned to love who I’ve become and moved home to share that person with my family and friends.
PEACE- In the midst of all the world’s happenings we get consumed in the quickness of it. The change from breast feeding to bottle to fast flow nipple for example enabling the average mother to get house chores accomplished. Get it done now, no patience exist until they fall asleep in your lap. Their soft hair, fragile lashes, consistent breath and little button nose consumes you. The world no longer exists and the moments like this cause me to value peace.
With my values solid in heart while making this decision, I would choose Aveda to be the company with whom I would love to grow as a stylist and spa owner. Aveda’s mission “is to care for the world we live in from the products we make to the ways in which we give back to society.” (Rachelbacher) I feel the spa environment is not only about beauty but also about caring for individuals, our society, and our world through giving the gift of experiencing happiness and peace. I plan to work as a stylist in an Aveda salon, become a traveling educator, and once enough money is saved open a spa of my own, thus creating the ultimate goal, owning a concept Aveda Salon.

Only a little tree

Walking through the meadow on a cold blister day
A little voice went thought her head that told her to go away
But she did not listen though it was an irritating voice
Only to walk on farther, for this was her choice

The wind started to die
But the coldness still dried her eyes, enough to make her cry
Sat down on a rock and stared to ponder what she was doing there
The wild was like a predator, always in a constant stare

she noticed a baby tree that grew near her feet
it was so beautiful, “to have a thousand” she thought it would be sweet
So she took it home to grow just a few
The wind picked up again. The purpose of this tree she only wish she could have knew

Many of the trees the young lady sold
turned to profit like necklaces mad of diamond and gold
These trees got popular they started to be fun
But what the buyers didn’t know was that It was like holding a barrel to their head
Pretending it wasn’t a gun

For many people, that little tree killed, by accident, we must realize
Though ever one could notice the pain and torture in the buyers bloodshot eyes.

So far a failure, so far no life
A “pot-head”, a “slut” a mother but not a wife
Friends befriended, are now friends dismissed
The lost are now gone, they are greatly missed.
For, life is hard and life’s a bitch.
Your best friend isn’t there, cause now she’s a snitch.
Is too much bad good; if too much good is bad?
Why is it, the ones that cause the most tears
Are the best you ever had?
Because life is hard and life’s a bitch!

A True I Love You

Thinking you’ll always be there, knowing that thought is true
Allows me to hide the feelings that I have so strongly for you.
You respect me so much, I know you really care.
I can see it in your eyes, it reflects in every stare.
Every time I see you, faster and faster my heart starts to beat.
Your smile and your beautiful baby blue eyes sweep me off my feet.
You know I love but think my love is like a friend.
You’ll find out it’s so much more, in the end.
When I saw you today there were so many things I wanted to say.
But something stopped my tongue; something got in my way.
I guess I’m supposed to wait ‘till I am sure this love is true
Before I try to say, “I love you!”





*MARCH 19, 2003

I have somehow fallen from what I know to be true.
I have doubted my true love.
I realized today-dreams do come true.
I apologized today looked in his eyes.
I told him my dream to fall thru the skies.
All of this happened when joshy called me with a huge “surprise”
Dreams really do come true!


His love is like a dream.
So perfect, almost unreal.
It is like one’s favorite thought,
impossible to steal.

His love is like a mother’s touch;
It will never go away.
It’s like the sun shining through,
On a rainy day

His love is like the warmth you feel
From sand between your toes.
It is like the smile you find,
When you give someone a rose

His love is like a flower;
It brings joy to those around
It is the love from you
And I’m so happy it’s been found

Is it

When you cant sleep at night b/c you’re wondering if he can’t either…
When you wonder all day and night how he is doing and where he is…
…Is it love?
When just as you pray he clals, the phone rigngs with his soft voice saying your name…
When you think he forgot, he calls at the last minute to say happy birthday
…Is it fate?
When a kiss is like magic and your whole body is chilled…
When a gaze into your eyes is worth a million dollars….
…Is it infactuation?
When he doesn’t call for a bit but you still know he deeply cares….
When you think everything will be perfect and is going to work out….
…Is it??

Laying, Looking

The ground was cold, the trees so tall,
My mind was blank full of nothing at all.

Closed my eyes so my thought could be free
Started to wonder how he was, without me

Then I saw him with his baby blue eyes,
Such a flawless silhouette in the navy-blue skies

A light shown brightly from above as a voice proclaimed,
“Hold him close for this is your true love.”

Wind started to blow as he walked toward me,
Put his arm around my shoulder it was as perfect as could be

The pond trickled with delight, Stars gleamed ever so bright
For this truly was a magnificent night.

Lying, looking at the stars, hand in hand, cold only be a dream come true
In fact it was, the day I met you!

Locking eyes
Sparkling with desire
Bodies making fire
The moment
The touch causes tingles to run
The moment
The melting
Fate has begun

Never End

And every time I hold you tight
I wish I wouldn’t have to say good night
For al the time that we will spend
Will be eternity, way past the end
All those times you were there for me
You know when to love and when to take things seriously

And when I’m with you, my love up will over-fill
When 40 years down the road we are together still
I’ll be glad that we didn’t take our love for granite
I’ll remember the day that little spark lit

And when I sit in my rocking chair and rock along
Out grandkids will hear about our song
All the great things you and I will share
Will soon be memories, filled with love and care

And all the things that we hate now
Will make us stronger, someday somehow
So al the things that make you cry
And all the things that make you want to die

Try to forget them for now, they might go away
Happiness and love will fill all our today
So no I hold you in my hear so tight
I’ll never have to say goodnight

For we will never part
you will always stay deep in my heart
After all, you are my love, companion, and best friend
And those three things can never end.

When I’m with you,

I have no fear.
I do not she’d a tear,

When I’m with you

You make me feel loved
You warm my heart with gladness

When I’m with you

I wish the feeling would last forever
Nothing else matters

When I’m with you!



I am lost but everyone sins
I am alone but someones always there
I am in love yet im single
I am just a girl but someone does care

You are my friend but I don’t know your name
You are my friend but I never saw your face
You are there through doubt and hope
You are alive but what is ur race?

We are one but we hardly talk
We are one yet we’ll always be apart
We are one but I’ve never seen you walk
We are one because you live in my heart

I didn’t feel like practicing,
Didn’t feel like seeing you.
I didn’t feel like practicing,
What are you going to do?

Although I did run,
Very far you see
For I tried to run from everyone
Everyone includes me

But myself is one person
You must be true to
Cause if you aren’t
Why should others be true to you?

I hate these times
I hate these days
I hate the minutes we don’t get along
Then I wish life would end
I wish life was just a pretty song
A song that’s sung to get away from hurt sorrow and pain
A song that’s sung to hide the tears for these tears fall like drops of rain
They dro from the cheeks, from the eyes of the ones whom are sad
They drop to the floor but we wipe them praying to be glad
I know its just minutes until we’re wrapped up in the hurt
Each time I feel so bad, lonely and as worthless as unused dirt.

I wish I had a pot.
I wish I had a seed.
If I had these two things,
I would grow some weed.

January 2, 2000

Life’s a bitch and so am I
They say it’s a phase so let it pass by.
Little do they know, this phase will go on and on!

Not knowing where to start!
Not knowing who to be!
Not knowing when friends are close
Not knowing when they will flee
Not being able to write when everything’s messed up
Is just holding it in; just bottling it up.

September 11, 2001 8:47

There’s a war in her, with her world and her boo.
She can’t wake from the night mare… is it true?
Everything, self esteem, country, and love falling apart at one time.
She doesn’t need it anymore, put away the marker and the dime.
Let loose from everything that drags you down.
Put a great big smile on your face; please don’t frown.

Some people know me as just one girl, yet some think I’m this whole world.
Some people may come while others will go
Some are high and others are low!
Many know how I feel but some do not,
So they think they know a whole lot.
I wish people could see things through my eyes,
That way I wouldn’t have the need to tell them lies.
They just don’t understand and think they run the whole land.
I want to be me and just have some fun
But they make me want to run, run, run!!
I have to go now but I’ll be back soon,
Maybe at the next full moon!

When I Think I Thank

You, the stars you glisten continually in my eyes.
You, the rotation of my world, cause me to move
You, the uniqueness of water, the only element keeping my smile alive.
You, the creation theory, continues to keep me questioning as I walk thru life
You, the God, though thy existence I often ponder, keeps moral in my life
You, the society who strait-face lies, allows me to think freely.
You, the Dr, telling us to take pills to be normal, never really knowing what normal is, make us more depressed.
You, the woman who nonchalantly passes ash, haunt me all my life
You, the density of my heart cause me to drop for those who cry.
You, the absence of friction, allow my brain to keep churning
You, you are here so, I continue to think and thank!

A green eye lady, a tall young man
They looked so cute hand-in-hand

A lovely little cottage somewhere in the wood,
3 kids, 7 dogs, 1 cat would be good

Ordered flowers for the wedding that’s in 3 days,
The earth was covered by luminous sun rays.

The grom and his best men were off to school
When a dump truck hit them like an angered bull

The wind blew strongly as the car blew apart
Her body ached for his absence had broker her heart

She was never able to get the memories of him off her mind
For a love like this, she never again would find.

Christmas is here.
Josh is very near.
The family will be together only for a short time.
I wish we were all one like we used to be,
but we cant since a few died in the family tree.
I wish we could put that branch back on.
Why did they all have to go him, Shane, and Shawn?
The family broke up because of the loss.
It’s like no one loves each other, things up in a toss.
I’m in therapy, Josh is…………………………………

Couldn’t sleep, it was to early in the night.
Something the next day would bring me a fright.
So I asked my brother to talk with me for a few.
“I’ll do much more, I’ll pray with you.
Off to sleep we started to fly,
In fantasy land where reality is a lie.
In the morning, early –n-bright,
I thanked him for my sleep that night.
Then off to school we both must run.
“Good-Bye!” “I love you!” “At the field trip, have fun!”
At the planetarium, I sat to watch the special star.
The one I still watch away, so so far.
As I sat back about to fly,
Mom came in and told me everyone must die.
I looked at her, sad and scared;
Flashed backed on the time we just shared.
Then, I cried and asked God “Why?”
“Why did my brother have to die?”
At night I find the star and stare,
To find my brother who I know is always there.

Early morning sunshine
Sneaks through the blind
Glistens on the wall,
Brightens Kitty’s spine

Open the blind, sit on the chair
For in one precious moment,
Nature will make you stop to stare

Birds and their babies making music for the tree
Squirels jumping limb to limb, so weight less, so free
An owl perching up on top staring to and fro
The sun overtop smiling down w/ a warming glow

With colors of Purple, Orange, Black and Blue
I’m sure this picture was painted especially for you!

***Thank you Travis! 1/28/06***

Pitch black, leaning back,
Looking up to the sky.
Orion’s a hunter, the dipper’s a bear.
Stars spin, constellations begin to fly.


“But Mommy, they are too young to die.”

A car, a truck
3 lives are gone
Some fog, some danger
1 man, trying to move on.
When lives are lost,
We all must know
That what you reap in life,
Is what you’ll sew.

Be kind to others.
Do your best in all you do.
You’ll never know when
The stars will come for you

When I look at the stars
I see you smile
Such faint memories
In the wind

When I look at their eyes
And see the drops
Such fierce scars
On unwounded bodies

By looking at the picture,
It bought the last smile
Before I started to cry,
I realize I’m missing an angle
That’s why you had to die

Dieing not to bring sadness
Dieing not be bring tears
But dieing, reminding us
To spread happiness though out the years

For its not the time on earth
Or the number of years we live
For it’s the smiles brought to our faces
And the happiness: that’s what you would give

Realizing you were an angle
Sometimes helps keep us content
And realizing your still an angle
allows us to cherish the good times that were spent.

Missing you with all respects and much love,


Open your eyes,
Get smacked above your thighs
Then to comfort’s arms you go.

Look up at the skies
Soon you’ll realize:
Everything, you’ll never know.

An adventure in store,
As you walk out the door.
A teenage mind only wanting not to be here.

With home in your heart
(never forget that part)
The destination of there becomes here.

For it’s not where you are,
It’s how you are,
And that I want you to know.

With an open mind,
Always be kind
You’ll be in comfort’s arms where ever you go.

If stars shot for wishes and wishes come true
I’d start shooting all the stars around for you
They’d start shooting and bouncing around,
That’s when my wish would turn to a sound
Playing beautiful music in your ear
For that’s just how much I love you, my dear!

His gorgeousness seemed familiar!! He seemed about five years old, still had baby white hair. There was dirt on his body, as well as his face. For that matter, there was dirt all around him. As gorgeous as he was, this I could not fathom. A lady, who seemed to be his mother, yelled from the other room, “CLEAN IT UP NOW!!” He resisted and smirked, while spilling a pot of dirt on the floor, covering his toys. Ashamed to be watching instead of helping, I climbed down from the stool where I sat, and joined him Indian style on the floor. He seemed confused by my acts. With his Tonka bulldozer, I carried the spilled dirt to the trash. With his bobcat, he scooped the dirt and plopped it into my bucket truck. Together, in a moment all the dirt was gone. I asked the little angel if he liked school. He told me he’s not aloud at school anymore because ‘he gets bored and acts out.’ My initial thought-this boy needs someone to teach him. I asked “what do you want to be?” A man’s name came from his mouth. I drew a blank, but knew what he meant as he explained that the man was a computer genius. I will teach this boy and help him with his dream. We walked over to where the rest of the family was gathered. It seem as though no one wanted him around, so I gave the child my utmost attention, hoping to give him a sense of being accepted. I told the little cutie my name. He told me he had two; one name from his mother and one name from his father. Diablo is the one he likes, obviously from his father. And at that moment, as his big blue eyes looked deep into mine, I remembered. He fell into comforts arms…. "I love you mommy!"


A strong believer that dreams come true
Has a message or two to share with you!

*He walked into the cozy apartment on Christmas to say,
“Please, the family to be all together at least for one more day.”

Obviously, our family has many. Will we have room for people to fit?
With all the elders, Will there be space for everyone to sit?

It was that year for Christmas that we ALL gathered round.
Where there was no room at the table, people sat on the ground.

When asked to the hostess, “How did you get all that to flow?”
She taught me: “Nothing, is neither good nor bad, thinking makes it so.”

This year for Christmas, my family, and my friend
I want to spend it with you, from the beginning to the end.

But Daddy said “Happiness isn’t having you want, it’s wanting what you have.”
And having my loved ones in my heart I learned from my brother, Trav.

Its not where you are, its how you are” that Joshy taught me to know.
So everywhere you go this year let your love and happiness glow.

Be Merry in all you do is the message I want to share with you
And this Christmas all your dreams will come true.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge! Knowledge is limited. Imagination engulfs the world.” – Albert Einstein

”Today is never as yesterday planed it to be.” – SAllyKat. Hawbaker

"dont' live as if you'll die tomorrow. Live as if you were born yesterday"

After years of not seeing him, the puppy had grown.
Now, his head seemed almost as high as mine.
Rosco still knew my voice and his name as a good doggy would.
I remembered years ago, they told me “Don’t get that dog. He’ll weigh more than you!”
“If I train him correctly, he’ll do what I ask him to.”
With that in mind, I was prepared with OUR 3 feet short, 1inch skinny leash.
“That leash will break.” They reminded me. “Not unless I ask it to.” I reminded them.
And off we walked, such an odd pair. He as huge, I as tiny, we often got the stare.
When we got where we were going, I let the good puppy go.
Life is mind over matter, as Rosco taught me to know.

Spring Attack

Fine, fresh flowers
Tremendously tall trees
Beautiful bright blends of
Busy bumble bees

Cute, cuddly kittens
Pounding on a pebbled path
Sun shines some days
Wiping away winters wrath

Humans hum happily
Forgetting former fears
As artists astonish all of us
Throughout the yesteryears!

Stars in the skies should never fall
Yet, sometimes they do; there’s reason for all
When the bad things happen, look for the good
And when the good is near, it’s doing what it should.
Bringing laughter, not crying, smiles not tears
What it’s all about throughout the years.


A gorgeous night it surely was! The rain had come hard earlier in the afternoon, which usually means one thing. There’s lots of food soon to come! It has been a few days since the last nutritious meal. All that we have been eating is dry, hard corn; we’re starving for protein. My mate and I decided we would travel to the island to gorge out after the long, harsh rain.
So, it began. Depending on the traffic, it would take us almost an hour to get there and we were most definitely hungry. Honestly, I didn’t know if I would make it, yet if we made days, we could go one more hour. Right? Not to worry. The journey ended up only taking 15 minutes. Most families were already to their destination, at the waters shore, but my mate insisted we go to only the best. I had to agree!
We gorged! Unless you call all you can eat for 4 hours normal, you’d say we over did it. The blood rushed to our stomach for they were so full we could not digest all the foodl with out napping. Good night!

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“GOODNESS! What is that?” My wings popped as being quickly jolted from my sleep by a sudden, high pitched laughter.
“IT CAN’T BE! They are only allowed to be here in the day time.” My partner’s wings stood strait out. The look of it made my bones tremble. He’s so different when he’s mad, almost like another being. No one should EVER wake him and I think all three of them knew that as soon as they made eye contact with my mate. They must have been more scared then I for they quickly sat, almost as though they should be submissive. I didn’t understand; they were much larger than us. What were they afraid of?
He noticed the worry in their aura; the paranoia that we may attack was written across their foreheads. Eye contact was lost as they looked toward the ground, as though they were asking forgiveness for being rude as we slept. My mate and I, creatures of beauty, decided to give them the best that we could in appreciation to their apology.
We stood, they trembled. We walked toward the water, sweat rolled like bullets from their cheeks. We walked into the water, the peered with curiosity. The music from the trickle of the stream and the air shaking the leaves began, and we danced. We danced like were young, like there were no worries, no cares in the world, at the pond, or in our lives. We danced like we used to when it was the only thing we had to do and the only thing we desired. They stood. They danced. They danced like the never had danced before and like they never wanted to stop.
A gorgeous night it surely was, when two creatures became one, when Swan and Human communicated as though they had been friends forever. A gorgeous night it was!

By: Sally

THE CLOUDS FLOAT ACROSS THE SKY SLOWLY TRANSFORMING TO LITTLE DOTS OF BRIGHTNESS. Each one with the purpose of reminding us that will all the stars in the skies there must be more out here than we chose to realize.

To see the calmest water float across the land
Just to hold an oak-leaf in the palm of my hand
To walk through a forest smelling life, feeling rain
Is the only way to walk out the door of a broken heart, away from pain.

To hear a mother duck cry of fear she doesn’t know
To see the beauty of the sky, to watch the lilly grow
To smell the wind and the air after an electric store
Reminds me that life is mine, in my hands, in my heart to stay forever warm!



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